Thursday, 26 September 2013


Hi and welcome to Haggerston School's blog were year 6's can                                     prepare and learn more about secondary.

Our Headteacher
Dr Keeley

Our uniform is green and navy they are our main colours. Our uniform consists of a shirt (both) a jumper long sleeve and a tank top jumper (both) a striped navy and green tie (boys only) a blazer with logo (both) trouses (both) a skirt (girls only) and opaque tights (girls only).

Find the connections 

informational site - a website                                          with information about the topic
                                        chronological order - in order of
                                                    dates and times

                                        focus groups - a group of people
                                    assesmbled in a guided disscussion

                                   commentary - Commentary is discussion
                                      about a piece of writing or an event. 
                                 purpose - The reason for which something
                             is done or created or for which something exists

                                  suitability - the quality of having the properties
                                         that are right for a specific purpose